Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Alps 2 Ocean - Day 3: Lake Ohau Lodge to Otematata

Saturday, 22 November

We woke up to a (mostly) friendly-looking sky, made oatmeal and tea, and took some snaps of the Lake Ohau Lodge before setting out on the most challenging day of our 5-day ride.

The ride started with a 10km climb up the side of a hill over looking Lake Ohau. For a beginning cyclist carrying panniers who hasn't ridden 2000km over the previous 6 weeks it's a challenging climb. My dad did great. He made it - smooth and steady - to the top and we celebrated with granola bars. "Every hill is a win" as Ewoud told me.

Looking good :)

We had a beautiful ride the rest of the day and lots of downhill after that initial climb. At one point I was flying down a dirt road a bit too fast and caught a loose patch of rocks so had a nice wipe-out... nothing hurt except a nicely bruised left knee!

The sky threatened to rain all morning, but it never really did - until we sat down for lunch and coffee in a cafe in Omarama. Then it did! Thankfully we were in a dry place and not in a hurry to get going, so we enjoyed the break. My dad's poor legs after that hill... ;)

When the rain let up we hit the road again - 24 more km to our destination in Otematata. The last 8km consisted of a short (and easy, in my estimation) climb up Saddle Hill (I think that's what it's called), and then a long downward descent all the way into Otematata. So once we got up, it was literally all downhill from there.

I went ahead and as I was riding I knew we were going to run into a problem. Just before this we were riding about 8km per hour... on a downward angled slope! Now my dad was slowly walking his bike up the hill, clearly completely tired. How were we going to make it up that hill? I walked down and rode his bike up the hill for him. I can truly commiserate and appreciate how he was feeling... my first day on the bike from Auckland I could hardly ride or walk my bike up the last hills... Ewoud can testify to that!! It can be painful! :)

We did finally make it to the village of Otematata and first thing we did was buy some beers at the pub to take to the holiday park where we set up the tent. I think it was necessary - first of all to celebrate the day's major hill-climbing success, and secondly to numb the physical pain brought on by the day!

Again, well done Dad. Very proud of your effort and that you completed the day! :)

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